May 13, 2007

Music, fears, and fun.

What a Party! Fabulous! Great people! Cool band! Great location! But oh, I'm tired! Good tired, but tired. The Party last night was wonderful. Lots and lots and lots of good-looking people who were mingling, dancing, talking, and laughing, just like a party should be. I think 'most everyone had a good time.

I had the pleasure of greeting most of the Partygoers as they entered the lounge and a few of my beautiful Wowettes made them nametags before the guests went off to play. It's a nice way to break the ice, having at least two of us greet everyone as they enter. There's always that initial twenty seconds or so when you go to a new place or enter a new group of people when you just can feel ill-at-ease and have that feeling like you just want to disappear. Sometimes the fear of those few moments keeps people from going to events, it's such a powerful emotion. Sometimes the fear of being scared keeps us from doing new things, meeting new people, and having new experiences.

I wonder about that fear and how an emotion can paralyze us and keep us from enjoying life and all it can offer. I do tend to be a bit of a hermit sometimes, in that I like to have peace and quiet and be alone and admittedly I have somewhat of a low tolerance for crowds and noise and socalizing. But I realize life is short, socializing is essential to feeling alive, and that there are some really nice people out there that can make my life richer and more meaningful.

What am I trying to say? That quite a few of you asked me to do this again and that I'm really tired today and don't want to think about doing anything. But I have a hunch that, when I get some sleep and think about it some more, I'm gonna get right up and plan the next one. And that I would feel really better about myself and life if I could help even one person get past that unnerving fear of going into a new place and meeting new people. We never are free of fears, but the brave of us just do it anyway and realize that giving in to the fear is even worse than the fear itself. OK, ok, I know I've been more eloquent before, but I'm just on fumes here. Did I mention that I had four hours sleep last night?!?

Oh heck, let's let the Partygoers say it themselves (from today's early morning emails): "Nice to meet all the fun people! People did show up dressing well.." ......"great band, excellent turn out, great party!"....."Your efforts are very appreciated. I hope you're having a recharging Sunday."...."Congratulations!!! Ellen you really did it!! The best event of the year. I had a great time. Thank you!"....."Thank you for last night. I got there late and we never had the opportunity to meet, but the crowd and the venue were wonderful"...."Good morning, I think u did a fantastic job. I was there later and chatted with you a bit but forgot to thank you for all you do. I sure am looking forward to just about anything you plan in the future."
So read this post, check out the pix, and then push comment below and let me know how you've learned to conquer your fears. And did you enjoy the Party? And do you want me to do it again?!!!


Anonymous said...

May I request early evening for the next one!! Just think how good we will feel the next day! Great night.

Anonymous said...

You are right, it takes courage to go to a single's party.......hunter...

Anonymous said...

methods used to conquer about it to arm chair counselors(friends), cerified therapists, read books on human behaviour(relationships), meditate, go to seminars, talks(leons conversations), try asking, the Queen of Blogness(rookie), etc.....hunter