November 26, 2014

What really matters is....

It's the time of year for our annual Thanksgiving ritual, a time to remember and share something special we gained or learned or experienced this year.  Something that has changed us, made us more appreciative of our lives, something we recognize as a blessing.

So we enjoyed a spirited time over potluck dinner, lots of sharing and laughing.  It was a smaller than usual group, which seemed to allow us to be more real, more open, and more vulnerable.

This surely carried over to our time of describing the one thing we gained this year.  These are the ladies' revelations, to finish the sentence, "This year, I am grateful....."

*  for good friends.
*  for good health, am thankful every day I get up, that she is able to talk to my family often, that I
    choose to come tonight to be with all of you even though I'm catching a cold.
*  that my grandson in the military is in the States and has not been sent anywhere.
*  that my life is so even, that I've chosen to step away from family to avoid stress, that I am taking a
    theater arts class which makes my heart feel good, that I am able to memorize and perform plays.
*  that since I have to continue to work, I am able to do it.
*  to learn new lessons in life, that when challenges come my ways I now consider them a growth
    opportunity, and that I appreciate more and more what life brings me.
*  that I seem to take adversity so much better than I used to, and now I'm physically stronger and
    can walk at a clip.
*  that I can work despite my age, that I am able to do what I do, that my mom is still kickin' at 98
    and that my son is getting married this year.
*  that I made a decision last year that I would not be stressed this year and it's working, and
    I am getting things done and I can sleep and I am not pressuring myself.
*  that I don't have to settle and that I went to Niagara Falls, one of the last things on my bucket list.

It's obvious that we didn't express our pleasure at having a new car or taking a European vacation or having a new boyfriend.  We all expressed our gratitude at having the things in life that are priceless, things that feed the soul, things that make our life richer in a meaningful way.

I'll add to the list, as I write this, that I am grateful for the friendship of such amazing women.