December 14, 2006

The way we love....

Breaking up is hard to do. Sounds like a song title. Gotta go through all the stages, like denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. There should be a pill for this. I know, I know, there's a lesson to be learned from every experience, bad ones and good ones. Did I say there should be a pill for this?

I read that we have something like 60,000 thoughts per day, most of them subconscious. Do we say to ourselves some uplifting things, like I'm lovable and fabulous and desirable and unique? Or are those tens of thousands of subconscious thoughts something like, this always happens to me or there's no good guys out there or why don't I just crawl under the covers and eat bon-bons 'cause no one will ever want me again?!? And what do the guys say after a break-up, something like good riddance and glad she's gone or....I'll never find another one like that, wish I'd done better at loving her...

A guy I used to know wrote about how men love differently than women and I just wonder if it's true. He wrote "I want to love like a woman. Men don’t love like that. Yes, we love, we feel it kindle inside and rather than succumb to the pure experience of it, we contain it, control it, hide it, use it to our own advantage, twist it, warp it, inflict wounds with it, especially the self-inflicted kind, and then we stand back and watch it die. We don’t open ourselves up and give the fire of our love the oxygen it needs to grow and warm our soul. Oh, how strong we are, we men. We stand powerful and alone, and live and die weak and lonely."

OK guys, I challenge you to love like a woman, with your whole heart, putting her first, treating her like a princess, overlooking her quirks and loving her like there's no tomorrow. The guy who wrote the words above ended it with this: "I want to love like a woman. But I can’t. I’m a man, and we are made of sterner stuff."

C'mon guys! Do it. Love like a woman. I promise we'll love you back, a zillion-fold.


alyosha said...

Men love differently than women. A very wise woman wrote that men love deeply, women more diffusely. With men, love is more compartimentalized.

It's sort like the way introverts have a few very close friends, extroverts have a lot of more shallow connections.

Nice blog, BTW. I discovered it via Craigslist. I'm a guy > 50, located in the west SFV. Hopefully we'll meet at some point.

Ellen said...

Thanks for your thoughtful comment. You can email me directly at