August 23, 2006

Is there room for a guy?

Some of my women friends are so busy that, if I invite them out for dinner, it'll be a three week wait. They give me this list of things they have planned that goes on and on and on and all their plans sound like great fun. But then they say how there are no great guys out there and that they really want one but where are they? They have no time for a movie or dinner with me - how would they make time for a relationship?

Recently, I Feng Shuied my bedroom. You hear about it, that one way to attract a new man is to make space for him in your bedroom. So I cleaned out a few drawers, took out the TV, and made the room welcome for sex. It apparently has worked for me, although we haven't done the deed yet, but then I have attracted a guy who swears that having a TV in the bedroom (and a remote with his name on it) is a really good thing. A guy CAN have it all - just have great sex, reach for that cable remote, and watch sports without having to change positions. See, you can still cuddle "after" and make the woman happy - and watch ESPN.

We're so busy being busy that maybe it's time to slow down. Or even stop for a while. Sit still, be quiet, and just "be." What is it that makes us fill our schedules so frantically that we have no room for anything else? Are we afraid to miss something? Are we afraid of being alone? Are we afraid to face ourselves and really see who we are? What if we just stood still for awhile, learned to be quiet inside, and realized that it was OK, maybe really good for us to do nothing? Maybe we'd learn that being quiet and still allows us to mourn our past relationships, face our old pain and let it go, and gives us the peace we seek. And the time to Feng Shui our bedrooms!


Anonymous said...

ahhh, just got back from a deeply introspective yoga session and read your blog. I have to say, I feng shui'd my bedroom and it works : ) don't forget the crystal ball hung from the ceiling!

Yes, I am one of those busy people. I adore being around family (still actively parenting my 22 and 24 year olds) old friends, new friends and experiencing fresh sights and sounds as well as occasional cocooning. The message is clear from many of our speakers, if I take care of myself and pursue activities I love, that is where I will find the 'one' for me. When I least expect it, there he will be. A very organic occurence. At the concert enjoying the music that I love, volunteering at the same organization I dedicate hours to weekly, at the airport because he loves travel too, hiking at my favorite remote spot, working at a career aligned with mine or introduced by close friends, etc. A perfect match we'll be!! In the meantime, I am having the time of my life. I feel like I'm living the life I dreamed about only a few years ago : ) I have finally learned how to nuture my own soul. Hmmm?

Anonymous said...

So.....being a Wonderful "online" Woman, did you meet this wonderful guy "online". Maybe there is hope for us online browsers after all!

Ellen said...

Dear Anonymous,
I found the guy by quoting his profile on the post "I'm still drugged" - and writing to his Yahoo profile to tell him what I did...Amazingly, we CAN find a great guy online. Be patient. Be choosy. Don't settle. Love yourself.