October 8, 2006

What I am learning......

That sometimes old wounds affect my current relationship.
That I have to learn to walk through fear.
That there is a difference between being wounded and being damaged and that the damaged don't easily heal.
That sometimes our lover asks us to give more than we want and that sometimes it is good for us to give it.
That talking to our lover about who we are and what we feel and where we hurt is essential.
That good sex isn't enough.
That I still have places in me that I hide.
That esposing my insides to a loved one might help me heal.
That I have ways to keep people away.

That it feels good to be loved.
That I don't always trust words.
That my current lover isn't a former lover or my father.
That getting close to someone may not be as painful as I thought.
That being loved helps me love myself.
That love requires risk.

That love can be healing.
That some people can change and learn from their mistakes.
That being close to someone brings out my fears and insecurities.
That it is never too late to find love.
That love is a gift that requires great care.

That we all deserve to be loved.
That when we get that painful feeling in our gut, it is that something from our past is being resurrected and it isn't that someone is trying to cause us pain.
That relationships require attention and effort.
That appreciating a relationship is essential to its continued success.

That the pain of love is really just the healing of old wounds.


Anonymous said...

Beautifully, beautifully written. How nice it must feel to be wrapped in love. I too wish to feel that some day. Yes, I know...it takes patience!

Anonymous said...

It takes two . . .

What I Am Learning

That learning sometimes begins when you are hurting the most
That sometimes something good happens, even to me.
That I didn’t know how to listen, but that I could learn if motivated enough.
That Love is one hell of a motivator.
That I do not have to settle for merely a comfortable relationship.
That good sex isn’t enough but it’s awfully close.
That I’m a good man if I don’t fuck things up.
That I will never understand women, but if I’m lucky and work hard at it, I might understand this woman --almost.
That leading with your heart instead of your head is the only way to fly, even though I might crash or get shot down.
That falling deeply in love, however unlikely, is possible at any age.
That it’s good to take turns being the strong one in a relationship.
That I’m a morning person – also an evening, afternoon and middle of the night person.
That I am changing, but sometimes I revert.
That I want to tell everybody that I am in love.
That I am acting goofy, but my friends like me better that way.
That actually finding time for that long walk on the beach is difficult even when you live at the ocean’s edge.
That a long, long hug is better than Advil.
That this woman is working her ass off to let me in.
That I feel honored to be that important to her.
That I have always been afraid and have spent most of my life trying hide that.
That sharing a bed is wonderful even if sleep is elusive.
That I am missing her right at this moment.

Anonymous said...

I can only wish for someone to feel about me like you feel about each other!!!